Parent Participation
The parent’s primary influence in their children’s lives is respected and supported by the centre. It is important that parents are given opportunities to share information about their child, and make decisions about their child’s experiences at the centre in partnership with educators and to be kept informed about their child’s participation and development within the centre.
The centre aims to provide an environment which makes parents feel welcome to participate in centre experiences and be a part of their child’s childcare environment “Open Door Policy.”
As childcare is an extension to their life, for many children whose parents are in the working community, Management and staff welcome parent’s involvement in the centre.
- Parents are encouraged to attend the general business component of staff meetings, however may be asked to leave during discussions of sensitive centre business.
- We encourage parents to volunteer any skills and put their name on our volunteers list.
- Parents will be given every opportunity, extending from initial orientation, to discuss experiences and interact with staff and other parents. Educators will welcome and value family input and treat all suggestions or concerns with respect.
- Parents are invited to share special skills with the centre and the children.
- Parents are encouraged to discuss with staff individual needs for their child.
- Parents are encouraged to discuss concerns relating to the care requirements, their child’s physical and developmental needs, the centre programming and management with the Director or Licensee representative, to ensure quality of care for their child. This may be spontaneous, by telephone or by appointment. Educators will respond to families’ questions, concerns and suggestions in a prompt and courteous manner. Educators will not discuss information of a confidential nature regarding any other child or family within the centre.
- Parent nights are held throughout the year, and we encourage all parents to attend.
- Parents are encouraged to assist in the collection of scrap materials for children’s creative experiences.
- Information is exchanged with families at arrival and departure times on a daily basis.
- The centre will create a welcoming environment for all families using the centre.
- Families will be provided with regular opportunities to contribute to curriculum decision making and provide feedback about the experiences planned for their child.
- Families will be given a copy of the centre’s procedure for dealing with family concerns at the time of enrolment. These procedures will also be displayed in the foyer.
- Families will be informed promptly and sensitively of any incidents affecting their child.
- Where a family’s request for their child is not able to be implemented within the education and care setting due to safety and health or ethical concerns, the reasons for this will be carefully explained to the family, and an agreed outcome will be negotiated.
Education and Care Services National Law (Queensland) 2011
Australian Community Services Employers Association
Professional Development and Support for Child Care Services in Australia (PSC National Alliance) http://www.pscalliance.org.au/?page_id=1264#Health-and-Safety